
Log Cabin Republicans Celebrate One Year Anniversary of Civil Marriage Equality in Massachusetts

Statement of President Patrick Guerriero

May 17, 2005 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

(Washington, DC) – "Today marks the one year anniversary of civil marriage equality in Massachusetts. Over the past year thousands of loving, tax-paying, law-abiding couples in Massachusetts embraced the lifelong responsibilities to care for each other. The story of the last year is not just about these couples, it is also about how the radical right's outlandish claims proved to be totally unfounded. Massachusetts has one of the lowest divorce rates in the country, and for most people, very little has changed over the last year. No marriage has been threatened and no church or religious institution has been forced to do anything. In fact, the institution of marriage is stronger in Massachusetts today than it was a year ago because it has been embraced by thousands of loving, committed, same-sex couples.

"We hope people across the country will learn from the Massachusetts success story and understand that civil marriage equality will strengthen American families. We are committed to continue educating people across this great nation about the importance of achieving equality for all families."