
Transcript of Quayle Remarks on Fox News Sunday

February 28, 1999 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr


Williams: Let me come to a more central issue, given the troubles inside the Republican Party's big tent. We see a number of Republicans running away from, sort of cultural conservatives. You would be, I think your niche in the campaign, would be as the man who represents the cultural conservatives in the party. So, do you condemn what's going on?

Quayle: No. I represent both the economic conservatives and the social conservatives. I think many of you in the media have said you can't be both. I'm telling you can be both. An economic conservative is somebody who wants to cut taxes, wants less regulation, wants to reform the legal system, make it more efficient, and comes from the growth wing of the party. Believes in supply side economics.

The social conservatism believes in stronger families, better schools, less crime, no discrimination period, and a respect for life. I come from both camps. They're are not a great division as has been portrayed. There's a lot of consensus, there's a lot togetherness. And a great majority of Republicans and Americans I might add, would consider themselves both economic conservatives and social conservatives.

Snow: Mr. Quayle, you just mentioned respect for life. Yesterday in California some state Republicans recommended changing the GOP platform to advocate the reversal of Roe vs. Wade. Do you support that change in the platform?

Quayle: Well, we'll talk about the platform until after the nominating process concludes.

Hume: Well, now that's going to be a key question.

Quayle: No, it's not going to, it's not going to be a key question because the nominee will determine what the platform's going to be. And there's no use to getting into what the platform is going to be or not going to be, other than it will reflect the respect for life. That has been the position of the Republican Party, it will continue to be the position of the Republican Party. I'm convinced of that.

Hume: Why can you not build a big tent with some pro-choice Republicans by simply saying, "This ought to be a debatable proposition like everything else. Reverse the Supreme Court decision and let the people decide?"

Quayle: There are many more issues besides just the life issue on the social conservative agenda. I just went through them. The life issue is important, education is important. Our children are important. Fighting the war against illegal drugs is important. Having a policy of nondiscrimination is important. Building better communities, better neighborhoods. That's what the Republican Party is all about. And that's what we're going to talk about. We're not going to talk about just one issue. The other issues are important.

Hume: So what you're saying is abortion is not that important in the constellation of issues?

Quayle: No. It is important. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Life is a very important issue, it always has been, it's what this nation was founded on, we're going to continue to talk about it.

Hume: Mr. Quayle, you talked about your past history. Steve Forbes had some comments when asked about you, Elizabeth Dole, and George W. Bush. He said, "We've been down that electoral cul-de-sac twice before. I suggest we try something new for a change, like winning." Your response?

Quayle: Yeah, "like winning." Every time the Republicans have won recently, they've had a Reagan or a Quayle on the national ticket. And I intend to see a Quayle on the ticket this time.

Hume: You don't think a Quayle makes it – the problem is a lot of Democrats think a quail is something you shoot.

Quayle: Well, they've been shooting at me and I'm still standing. I'm sitting right now, but I'm standing tall, I'm ready to get back into the arena. And we're ready to go.

Snow: What do you think about the proposal Mr. Quayle, the Conservative Action Network to have a rating for all TV shows that have any reflection of gay life in it?

Quayle: Say that again, I couldn't hear you.

Snow: You have a Conservative Action Network that is considering having ratings put on TV programs that have any reflection of a homosexual lifestyle.

Quayle: Well, people can have individual ratings if they want to, but I'm not so sure we need to put this in any kind of a law or any kind of regulation.

Williams: What about Log Cabin Republicans, are you going to be comfortable with them, are you going to work with them?

Quayle: I am comfortable whoever wants to join my crusade. I have a very definite vision for America. I got into politics because I thought I could make a difference. I am a principled, convictioned politician. Ideology drives me. Ideas are important. Ideas have consequences. Big ideas have big consequences.

And if people feel comfortable with my philosophy, and that's what they have to choose, a philosophy. A smaller, more responsive government, less taxes, stronger families, reinvesting in national defense, join me. We've got a lot of work to do and let's get it done.

Liasson: I just want to take one more crack at the George W. Bush question. Can you tell me how your philosophy is different from George W. Bush's?

Quayle: Well, you'll have to ask him. Does he support my 30 percent across-the-bored tax cut? If so, then we're in agreement. Does he support me in choice in education, and competition into education, and willing to take on the monopolistic situation when is comes to education bureaucracy? Is he willing to treat teachers as professionals, as they should be? You'll have to ask him that.

Is he willing to come forth and say we should have a policy of no discrimination, period? Is he for fighting the illegal drug war from interdiction all the way through rehabilitation? Those are my positions. If he subscribes to that, than there's not any difference.