
Log Cabin applauds DOJ reversal on Pride

June 10, 2003 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

(WASHINGTON, DC) – Log Cabin Republicans applaud the Department of Justice reversal of a ban on DOJ Pride holding their annual pride event at the department. The event will now take place as scheduled in the Great Hall at the Department of Justice.

DOJ Pride, the gay and lesbian employee group at the Department of Justice, had been told last week that they could no longer hold their annual event.

"It is a start, for sure, but we need to make sure that the commitment that Attorney General Ashcroft made to members of the United States Senate and Log Cabin Republicans is made whole – complete and equal treatment of all Department of Justice employees. We call on the Attorney General to make this happen," said Patrick Guerriero, Executive Director of Log Cabin Republicans.

"We have worked tirelessly since this unfortunate decision took place to educate administration officials on the unfairness of this matter. We will continue to work for our community to make sure that gay and lesbian DOJ employees enjoy the same and rights as all Justice Department employees including the appropriate funding of these type of events," concluded Guerriero.