
Log Cabin Republicans Urges Congress to Pass Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act

Passage of Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act Would Make Federal Government Competitive With Hiring Practices of Corporate America

December 16, 2009 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

(Washington, DC) – The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act (S. 1102) sponsored by Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) successfully passed out of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee today.

The Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act would provide the same family benefits to lesbian and gay federal civilian employees as are already provided to employees with different-sex spouses. To receive benefits, employees would have to submit an affidavit of eligibility for benefits with the Office of Personnel Management certifying that the employee and domestic partner meet necessary criteria as provided in the Act.

"Log Cabin Republicans thank Senator Susan Collins and Senator Joe Lieberman for their hard work to bring the federal government up to the standard that an overwhelming number of Fortune 500 companies already use when providing benefits for employees. This legislation will allow the government to ensure that it is competitive in retaining the top talent in its workforce. The American people deserve no less," said Log Cabin Republicans National Chairman Terry W. Hamilton.

A serious challenge faces the federal government, which predicts that 60 percent of the federal workforce will be eligible for retirement in the next decade. If the government is unable to attract and retain a solid workforce and remain competitive with the basic benefits the private sector offers, then the increased number of retirements will have an negatively amplified effect.

"When this legislation is brought up for a floor vote, we encourage Republican Senators to vote in support of this bill, which is consistent with the conservative principles of efficiency, fairness, and competition. In the Republican Party, we talk a lot about the private sector taking the lead with incentive and competition – the federal government should not be falling behind," added Hamilton.

Log Cabin Republicans National spokesperson Charles T. Moran added, "OPM Director John Berry has promised a solution to offset the cost of this bill, which is a solid step forward to ensuring that costs are controlled. We urge Director Berry to quickly produce these solutions so the cost component will be available for review and fiscal responsibility can be assured."