
Log Cabin Republicans Comment on the Senate Confirmation Hearings for Judge John Roberts

Statement of President Patrick Guerriero

September 12, 2005 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

(Washington, DC) – "Since the nomination of Judge John Roberts to the United States Supreme Court, Log Cabin has been thoroughly and carefully studying his record and writings to determine what kind of justice he might be. Now, like millions of other Americans, we will closely listen to the testimony of Judge Roberts during his Senate confirmation hearings.

"During these hearings we will be watching closely to determine how Judge Roberts views issues of basic fairness for gay and lesbian Americans. We urge the Senate Judiciary Committee to ask Judge Roberts where he stands on respecting critical Supreme Court precedent, particularly Lawrence v. Texas, and Romer v. Evans. We urge the Senate Judiciary Committee to question Judge Roberts on his judicial philosophy and on his view of the Constitutional safeguards of equal protection and due process. Finally, we urge the Senate Judiciary Committee to hold a fair hearing for Judge Roberts, recognizing that a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court is too important a decision to be controlled by partisan political considerations."