
Log Cabin Republicans Responds to Carl Paladino's Disgraceful Comments about Gays and Lesbians

October 11, 2010 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogger Tumblr

(Washington, DC) - Log Cabin Republicans condemn New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino's anti-gay comments delivered over the weekend.

"Carl Paladino's statements are unfortunate and show he lacks an understanding of what it means to be gay," said Gregory T. Angelo, Chairman of the New York Log Cabin Republicans. "Allow me to offer a counter to his misinformed statement: I think gay men and women  – my neighbors and your neighbors  – would be much better off and much more successful if they were allowed equal rights and the option of getting married and raising a family. I don't want New Yorkers to be brainwashed into thinking that ignorance is an equally valid and successful option. It isn't."

Christian Berle, Deputy Executive Director for the National Log Cabin Republicans, agreed. "Carl Paladino's comments are profoundly out of touch with the principles and priorities of Americans and of New Yorkers today. As our nation mourns the loss of too many youth subjected to dehumanizing harassment in schools, this year's 'National Coming Out Day' is a chance to take a stand against the ugly and unnecessary rhetoric that too often leads to tragedy. It is reckless and irresponsible for anybody in public life today to suggest that gay and lesbian Americans are somehow less worthy of respect because of who they are."